Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm 30 today...

The last decade, I've concluded, was one of major metamorphosis.  It was me, evolving, into the person I wanted to be growing up.  Do I feel grown up now?  Sometimes... sometimes in the right way and sometimes in the "this is all too much" way.  Sometimes- I'd rather put on my knee-high boots, drink too many cocktails and go out dancing with my girlfriends... rather than dancing barefoot in my parents living room with my mom and Silas.  But then again- it is joyful, unpretentious, soul-filled dancing... not hard thumping, bumping, grinding  but drums and laughter and clapping and jumping.

My hope for the next decade is to take what I've learned and where I've been and make it fly.  Release more of the angst-y bullshit I cultivated in my teens and tried to move beyond in my twenties and rock on in my own way.   Judge less, fight less, hide less, worry less.  Listen more, commune more, love more, build more. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

What she said

"The shape of my life is determined by many things; my background and childhood, my mind and education, my conscience and its pressures, my heart and its desires.  I want to give and take from my children and husband, to share with friends and community, to carry out my obligations as a woman, as an artist, as a citizen.

But I want first of all to be at peace with myself.  I want a singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these obligations as well as I can.  I would like to achieve a state of spiritual grace from which I could function and give as I was meant to in the eye of God...

Life today in America is based on ever-widening circles of contact and communication.  It involves not only family demands, but community demands, national and international demands, through social and cultural pressures, through the mass media.

My mind reels with it.  What a circus act we women perform every day of our lives.  This is not the life of simplicity that wise (wo)men warn us of.  It leads not to unification but to fragmentation.  It does not bring grace;  it destroys the soul...

With a new awareness, I begin to understand why the saints were rarely married women.  It has to do primarily with distractions.  The bearing and rearing of children, to running of a house, human relationships with their myriad pulls-- women's normal occupations run counter to creative life, or contemplative life, or saintly life.  The problem is not merely one of Woman and the Home or Woman and Career, but more basically: how to remain whole in the midst of the distractions of life.

What is the answer?  I have only clues, shells from the sea.  The bare beauty of the channel-whelk tells me that one answer, and perhaps a first step, is in cutting out some of the distractions. But how?  I must find a balance somewhere between island solitude and communion, between retreat and return."

-From Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gifts From the Sea

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Sweep up the crumbs or leave it messy
Struggle with the comb or leave it wild
Neaten, purge, dust- or let it all hang out...

Go outside or perseverate on the clutter
Lie around, watching a movie or tackle the mountain of journal articles still unread
Fold yet another load of laundry or leave it all undone...

Every day I try to choose a little sanity, a little relief, a little zen.  I try to let loose, push away panic attacks over dust bunnies- not ruin a day over a cheerio.  But this is my struggle- peace or productivity.  And still tonight- even as I reflect on this, my mind is zooming around and around- glass of wine or chapter review?  Because I continue to be so hard on myself- not wanting to waver in my dedication and pursuit of perfection.  Then I return to the obvious- who cares about perfection if you're miserable?  Who cares about achievement if you're burned out?

This is why I need to vacation somewhere other than my house.  So I can't spend my days raking and cleaning and loading and unloading the dishwasher and cleaning up for the cleaning lady.  I need to get away- fully- and bring my family with me.  Not for the cultural experience (which I crave) but for the moments of breathing- digging my feet in the sand, tumbling in the waves, a second margarita.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In 2000 I fell asleep on the couch in my apartment in the early hours of my birthday... after a night of watching returns, with fleeting moments of hope and persistant moments of fear. Who could have predicted the significance of that outcome? . When I woke up the next morning, wondering what had been decided overnight- I was so naive to think that there would have been a victor.  I watched in horror over the next days, in disbelief that it came down to single votes and our democracy was superceeded by court decisions.

I fell asleep on my couch again last night- Jeff nudged me... "He did It."  I was so relieved- not only at the outcome but at the fact that it was not a day filled with "irregularities".  That we really did get out the vote.  That the contagious hope translated into action.

I woke up this morning with butterflies in my stomach. I listened to the news with tears in my eyes.  And suddenly, it was as if a huge weight lifted from my heart.  He did it. We did it.

There is much work to be done. Thankfully, we have a leader with his nose to the grindstone and hope in his heart.  My faith in democracy has been restored.    I am inspired.

It may look dark tonight but if I hold on to hope, tomorrow will be brighter. ~President Obama

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Holding my breath

We went to vote today as a family. Silas (my son to the core), happily squealing "NO John McCain!" as we waited on line. My hands shook with excitement at voting- more energy than I've ever experienced with voting. It's always mattered. Somehow it matters more today.

I then took a long walk home- it is so warm here today... and I spent the morning planting garlic and putting our flower beds down for the winter. I felt so in tune with today- the close of one season and planning for something new.

So I sit here tonight, holding my breath and watching the talking heads ruminate over numbers and projections. I'm afraid to go to bed before it's all settled. I'm afraid if I stay up and it goes the wrong way, I'll cry myself to sleep. I'm afraid that if Hope doesn't prevail, we're all fucked. Excuse me. FUCKED.

In my heart, I can only believe that Obama is going to win. It is the only thing that makes sense. It seems to be the only way to steer us back to some of our roots and get us back on track. Real compassion- that's what I'm talking about.

At the same time, part of my heart has resigned to moving to Canada- somewhere civilized- where everyone has guaranteed health care... I already have my tuke.

So cheers to all of you tonight, watching and waiting... holding our breath for something new, something better, something more.

Monday, November 3, 2008

You Just Have To...

Do it for yourself, your friends, your family, your children.

Do it for the economy, as an example to those who cannot yet.

Do it for the future, for the past, for the present.

I am desperate for something new- a new era, a new time, a new peace.

Get out there. Vote.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Over and Underwhelmed

Vacation... sweet vacation. Not for flying away and sipping coladas but for standing on my legs, straightening out my house and my head. Trying to gather together again. I'm a third of the way through my intern year and we seem to be maintaining. And I'm doing my best...
To not criticize or back-seat drive
To parent with a minimal amount of time
To be a partner, friend and lover to my hubby- even though we didn't even celebrate our anniversary (almost a month ago) because I was post-call and grumpy... and we had no baby-sitter
To keep my house clean (even when I'm not doing my share and we have outside help every few weeks)
To not care when my house isn't clean or to freak out and clean and de-clutter when really what I want to do is go outside, breathe some fresh air... or take a long nap in the afternoon curled up with Silas

And sometimes I fail and fall apart and lose my shit and ruin a perfectly good afternoon by being anxious about clutter or mess or dirty dishes getting crusty or the laundry piled on top of the dryer- not being folded for days... and then when it's folded, sitting in the middle of our living room in piles taking days to make it back into anyone's drawers.

Then I think- with all that we have going on- isn't it better to just say "Fuck It" and walk away...

So this week, my 1st off in 4 months- I'm going to walk away... or maybe walk towards- a few deep breaths, a yoga class, a hair cut, long breakfasts, planting crocuses. Ease my way into the day instead of hitting the ground running well before dawn. A few days of relief, regeneration and celebration.